圖片來源: CogVideo官網
This is is part of my live-learning series I will be updating this post as I continue through my journey. I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherent thoughts. This is a practice to help me share things that are valuable without falling apart from the pressure of perfection.
In this article, we will Delve into the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology, exploring its capabilities, potential, and how you can harness its power for your own creative endeavors.
Compare CogVideo vs min-dalle and see what are their differences.
This Article is written as a summay by Marktechpost Research Staff based on the paper 'CogVideo: Large-scale Pretraining for Text-to-Video Generation via Transformers'.
CogVideo 應該是當前最大的、也是首個開源的文本(Text)生成視頻(Video)模型。在設計模型上,模型一共有90億參數,基於預訓練「文本-圖像」模型 CogView2 打造,一共分為2個模塊。
圖片來源: Rephrase.ai官網
Rephrase.ai 旨在通過數字化身實現人性化的溝通,為所有行業中各種規模的公司提供高品質的影片創建功能。隨著影片成為新的默認溝通模式,合成影片創建功能使營銷、溝通和內容團隊能夠擴展和人性化他們的工作。
點擊人數: 326 +
圖片來源: Synthesys官網
點擊人數: 512 +
圖片來源: Wonder Studio官網
Wonder Studio 是一種 AI 工具,可以自動為 CG 角色製作動畫、打光並將其合成到真人場景中。系統會根據單機鏡頭自動檢測演員的表演。然後採用該性能並將其傳輸到所選擇的 CG 角色:自動設置動畫、光照和組合。
點擊人數: 550 +