圖片來源: Evoto官網
Evoto 是新一代的圖像編輯器,重新定義了工作流程,並將所有圖片編輯工具整合到了一個應用程式中。不僅可以快速獲得數以千計的高品質照片,還避免了在多個軟體之間的切換,使你專注於創作之中。
If you are a portrait photographer and edit your images at all, Evoto is an Artificial Intelligence editing tool you must check out. It includes things like skin retouching, dodge and burning, body shaping, makeup enhancements and more. Everything you need as a portrait photographer.
In this video, I share my experience using Evoto AI, a revolutionary retouching software that has the potential to change the way photographers work.
Why fight AI when you can make it work for you? So, instead of pushing it away, I've started using AI tools in my day-to-day. It's not replacing my job; it's just handling the mundane stuff.
Over the next few days I will be putting Evoto.ai through it's paces to see if it's better than Retouch4me.ai in every way that I use it.
Can it help us speed up the process? How good are the results? Let's talk about EVOTO Ai the Ai powered photo editor software.
From strictly digital art creation to sky replacement and skin softening, it’s appearing and making our life easier as photographers. Or so they claim.
圖片來源: Imagen Editor & EditBench官網
點擊人數: 480 +
圖片來源: Flair AI官網
Flair AI可依照上傳之產品照png檔,與輸入的一段文字生成產品情境照。讓營銷人員或設計師不必花費許多心力,也可以得到如攝影棚拍出來之效果照。
點擊人數: 740 +
圖片來源: Kaedim官網
Kaedim是一家人工智能初創公司,開發了將 2D 轉化為 3D 模型的機器學習算法,通過上傳圖檔並轉為3D模型的方式,幫助創作者快速的瀏覽效果、打樣與修改尺寸、檔案類型與材質貼圖等。
點擊人數: 959 +