圖片來源: Flair AI官網
Flair AI可依照上傳之產品照png檔,與輸入的一段文字生成產品情境照。讓營銷人員或設計師不必花費許多心力,也可以得到如攝影棚拍出來之效果照。
Intriguing as this sounds, I had to dig deeper and found Flair AI, a tool known for its high accuracy, ease of use, and flexibility.
Flair markets itself as “The AI design tool for branded content,” but based on hands-on impressions, it leaves much to be desired.
In this article, we will explore how Flair AI revolutionizes product photography and how you can leverage its features to enhance your brand image.
One such revolutionary tool is Flair AI, which combines the power of AI and design to streamline the creative process.
Flair AI Design Tool is an open-source natural language processing NLP library developed by Zalando Research. It provides state-of-the-art models for a variety of NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, text classification, and more.
it is an AI tool that helps you write branded content. It also helps you generate text, helps you in storytelling and is also helpful in maintaining your social accounts.
圖片來源: Designs.AI官網
Designs.AI利用AI技術,讓您可以快速的建立和編輯您想要的內容。 使用我們的AI引擎來產生您的品牌,並具有獨特的LOGO和完整的品牌套件包,您可以從超過1萬個圖中做選擇。 以JPEG、PDF、PNG或SVG的格式匯出您的LOGO。
點擊人數: 552 +
圖片來源: Evoto官網
Evoto 是新一代的圖像編輯器,重新定義了工作流程,並將所有圖片編輯工具整合到了一個應用程式中。不僅可以快速獲得數以千計的高品質照片,還避免了在多個軟體之間的切換,使你專注於創作之中。
點擊人數: 1892 +
圖片來源: Colourlab官網
Colourlab 通過自動化所有無聊的編輯工作,可以將更多時間留給想像及創造,且與 Colourlab、Premiere Pro、Final Cut Pro 和 Davinci Resolve 同步。
點擊人數: 677 +