圖片來源: Imagen Editor & EditBench官網
EditBench goes beyond the commonly used coarse-grained “does this image match this text” methods, and drills down to various types of attributes, objects, and scenes for a more fine-grained understanding of model performance.
This article will discuss this Google's AI text-to-image tool, followed by examples of text-to-image open source. It will explain diffusion models in greater detail and provide a guide using the AI-powered Wondershare Mockitt.
In this article, we will examine the state-of-the-art Imagen Editor and the comprehensive evaluation method, EditBench, to see how these tools are pioneering new frontiers in text-guided inpainting technology.
Text-guided image editing has the potential to alter the way creative applications are supported. Google AI has released Imagen Editor and EditBench to enhance and evaluate text-guided image inpainting.
Now, Google is releasing research exhibiting Imagen Editor, where local photo editing may be done with just a few sketches and text instructions.
Google recently shared research for Imagen Editor and EditBench, utilities currently in beta, but capable of guiding edits with text prompts.
圖片來源: Evoke Music官網
Evoke Music 可以根據使用者輸入之音樂類型文本資料生成該類型之音樂音訊無版權,且使用者也可以自由編輯、擷取所需之片段並使用在Youtube影片。
點擊人數: 397 +
圖片來源: Magic Studio官網
Magic Studio是一個多功能的圖片編輯AI工具,可以快速合成人物圖像或商品的情境照,讓使用者的產品更有競爭力。
點擊人數: 300 +
圖片來源: Flair AI官網
Flair AI可依照上傳之產品照png檔,與輸入的一段文字生成產品情境照。讓營銷人員或設計師不必花費許多心力,也可以得到如攝影棚拍出來之效果照。
點擊人數: 795 +