圖片來源: Let’s Enhance官網
Let’s Enhance可使放大圖片後產生的模糊、失真情形,或是JPEG產生的雜訊問題,都能得到改善,也會調整相片的對比和亮度品質,提升相片呈現的品質,並且新增了輸入文字生成圖像的功能,讓創作更加多元快速。
The tool is really easy to use by offering you several customized upscaling types and applications to meet your different requirements. You can enlarge your low-resolution image by 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, and 16x without sacrificing image quality.
Let’s Enhance CAN work with this type of image. Because it’s the most frequently used type of image for designers, right?They can be easily found in good quality in photo stocks. But if it’s not — upload it to us.
Let’s Enhance is a global, fully remote, and fast-growing product startup. We specialize in Computer Vision and building artificial intelligence tools to automate image processing at scale.
Let’s Enhance, an online-based upscaling tool, has released a 2.0 update that’s effectively built from the ground up with improved algorithms, new enhancement modes and presets for common image types.
It’s simple to expand an image using online image enlargers, whether it’s an old photograph or a more recent one. Like, Let’s Enhance, find an image enlarger to get started with. Step-by-step instructions are available on its website. You must first submit a picture and then choose an upscaling size before accessing the downloaded results.
AI 應用在各種層面,其中用於相片處理技術,可為一些解像度低、不清晰的相片進行清晰化。這些 AI 應用不只在新聞裡頭講,現在用戶就可馬上實際使用,以下名為「Let’s Enhance」的網站,就能為你的相片清晰化。
圖片來源: Draw Together with a Neural Network官網
Magenta是由Google Brain創建的一個開源項目,其中SketchRNN圖像生成工具的Draw Together with a Neural Network頁面可以讓人可以和AI共創塗鴉。
點擊人數: 325 +
圖片來源: Magic Studio官網
Magic Studio是一個多功能的圖片編輯AI工具,可以快速合成人物圖像或商品的情境照,讓使用者的產品更有競爭力。
點擊人數: 297 +
圖片來源: PHOTO AI官網
點擊人數: 349 +