圖片來源: Melody Sauce 2官網
Melody Sauce 2 是一個專門為作曲者與音樂人打造的工具,含有三百多種的音樂風格與一百多種的樂器可以做為變量使用。
Melody Sauce 2 is perfect for creating loops, beats, and synth lines of any style with its easy-to-use interface and powerful algorithms. Plus, it’s now compatible with all major DAWs – so you can use it wherever and however you want.
In this article, we will explore the features, functionalities, and advantages that Melody Sauce 2 offers to music producers. Whether You're a beginner or an experienced producer, Melody Sauce 2 can be a valuable tool in your music creation process.
Melody Sauce 2 is an AI-powered VST plug-in that allows users to easily generate melodies and chord progressions, providing control over music theory and making music production easier.
If you've ever struggled to come up with melody ideas or needed some melodic inspiration in your music making, Melody Sauce 2 will speed up your workflow with an unlimited and instant supply of unique, high-quality melodies created for you in a few clicks.
Melody Sauce 2 is another great random melody generator that can speed up your workflow by providing you with an instant and unlimited supply of melodies. The simple interface makes it easy to create MIDI melodies in your DAW using the internal FX and Sound Engine, or by connecting to a software instrument.
嗨大家好!今天我們要介紹一個很酷的音樂插件:Melody Sauce 2!這個插件能夠讓你輕鬆生成自動旋律,讓你在創作音樂時省去繁瑣的旋律編寫工作。接下來我們將一步步介紹如何使用這個插件,讓你輕鬆創造出令人驚艷的音樂作品!
圖片來源: FormX官網
FormX 是一種數據提取工具,它使用人工智能 AI 將信息從物理文檔轉換為結構化數字數據,例如發票、收據、訂單或是客戶資料、反饋等,都可以更有效率的歸檔並數據化。
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圖片來源: Designs.AI官網
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點擊人數: 296 +
圖片來源: AIVA官網
點擊人數: 797 +