圖片來源: Sketch官網
Sketch 向量繪圖軟體是一款針對 Mac 電腦開發的設計軟體,特別適用於網頁設計、UI 設計、扁平化圖標設計。儘管Sketch本身並非AI工具,但使用者可以透過擴充和插件來添加一些AI相關的功能到Sketch中。
Today, Sketch is a design platform combining the Mac editor, built using native macOS frameworks including its real-time collaboration feature, and a web app.
Sketch has been the primary design tool for a while. In fact, Sketch is so dominant that a whopping 56.4 of files uploaded to Avocode in 2018 were Sketch files.
If you’re creating a Sketch library or adopting someone else’s library, you’d probably need to make it customisable to suit the brand or theme of the different products users of your Library would be working on. The most basic custom option is to allow the ability to customise your colour themes.
Master digital product design and collaboration with these top Sketch courses including free ones for designers and developers.
A year ago I made a big move, and switched to using Sketch as my primary design tool instead of photoshop. When I wrote my article about moving to Sketch it received tons of feedback and you could say it went pretty viral.Some comments were supportive, and some were very disparaging.
Sketch 是近年流行的 UI 介面設計工具,簡單上手的設計讓許多設計師(包括我)紛紛從 PS 和 AI以拉等其他工具跳槽了。Sketch目前只有 Mac 版,官方提供 30 天試用版,正式版為US 99(約台幣三千)。
圖片來源: Sivi AI官網
作為一款 AI 繪畫靈感生成器工具,能夠為用戶們提供豐富的 AI 繪畫生成風格選擇,多種類型圖像風格可以挑選,輸入關鍵詞描述就可以一鍵生成想像中的繪畫作品,功能非常強大,操作簡單。
點擊人數: 480 +
圖片來源: Durable官網
圖片來源: Relume 官方網站
Relume 是一款 AI 網頁生成工,幫助使用者快速產出網頁地圖以及網站內容。使用者可以在網站地圖模式用拖拉的方式調整網站內容順序,也可以切換到 Wireframe 模式編輯詳細內容。此外,團隊成員也可以透過共編的功能進行同步作業。
點擊人數: 568 +