圖片來源: Stylumia 官網
Stylumia 是一個專注於時尚和零售業的人工智慧平台,主要協助品牌和零售商更好地理解市場趨勢、預測需求並制定商品策略。
Stylumia uses predictive and prescriptive analytics to help brands see what's beyond the horizon of their market. With features like demand science, real-time consumer intelligence, AI-native approach and faster time to market, Stylumia can transform your business like magic to drive more revenue and profit. Ready to illuminate your future? Partner with us today.
Stylumia believes that people and businesses in fashion and lifestyle retail can tackle complex challenges and change the world with the appropriate data and technology. This tool predicts customer trend demand and future upcoming fashion trends. It also assists designers with inventory management and improving business impact decisions.
With the agenda of helping fashion brands and retailers ‘Earn More & Burn Less’with consumer driven insights,Stylumia has over 20 clients at the moment.
圖片來源: Kroma.ai 官網
Kroma.ai使用AI 技術來幫助用戶快速編輯圖像,並提供了多種功能,包括色彩調整、圖像濾鏡、圖層合成等,主要用於幫助用戶創建和編輯圖像。
點擊人數: 656 +
圖片來源: Gradescope 官網
Gradescope 是一款致力於幫助教師簡化評分工作,省去以往逐一批改所耗費的大量時間與心力,並且讓評分能客觀有一致性,不會因個人偏見或人為計算錯誤而影響學生分數。
點擊人數: 382 +
圖片來源: Gastrograph 官網
Gastrograph 藉由大數據和人工智慧機器學習技術分析消費者對不同味道、香氣和口感的喜好,並以此開發新產品以及優化產品口味,以滿足不同地區和人群的口味需求。
點擊人數: 356 +