AI 設計工具門

圖片來源: ChatGPT官網




ChatGPT Can Now ‘Remember’ Users—Including Their Voice, Preferences

OpenAI is testing a new feature that gives ChatGPT a memory to store information from a user’s previous chats—including their voice, tone and personal preferences—in order to create a more intensely customized experience for future requests.

Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts to Boost Your Productivity

Thanks to large language models like ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, office workers for lack of a better descriptor can now outsource tedious, repetitive, and time-intensive tasks for little-to-no cost.

ChatGPT is making its presence felt in classrooms. Here's how schools in Singapore are harnessing it

With a generative AI chatbot like ChatGPT, the temptation to use it to write the perfect essay is real. CNA finds out how teachers in Singapore steer students away from plagiarism and towards self-directed learning.

只要 3 步驟!用 ChatGPT 生成中文統計圖表(Advanced data analysis

透過 ChatGPT PLUS 的 Advanced data analysis 功能,只要上傳 Excel,即可輕鬆產生圖表。但轉成中文圖表可能會遇到亂碼問題,不過別擔心,只要按照文章步驟就能解決您的困擾!

人工智慧也不完美!揭秘 ChatGPT 8大注意事項 x 免費/付費版差異全攻略

ChatGPT 是一個基於 Transformer 架構的語言生成模型,可以生成高質量的自然語言文本。它分為免費版和付費版(目前定價 20 美金/月),兩者之間存在著一些差異。本文將從專業角度,說明這兩個版本之間的差異,以及如何選擇適合自己的版本,同時幫大家解惑 ChatGPT 在使用上 8 個普通人不知道的缺點及注意事項!

ChatGPT 正式支援 Siri 和捷徑功能,這篇教你怎麼使用、改成用中文喚醒

現在可以直接用 Siri 來問 ChatGPT 了,速度也蠻快的。

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