圖片來源: Getitout官網
Build a strong marketing foundation to attract your ideal clients: Easily create buyer personas, turn features into benefits, and generate websites and emails - complete with texts and layout, in your design. Ideal for marketing freelancers and startups.
AI Persona Generator by GETitOUT is an innovative and intuitive tool designed to help marketers and businesses create customer personas quickly and easily. It uses Artificial Intelligence AI to generate detailed, accurate, and compelling customer personas that are tailored to the customer’s needs and preferences.
GETitOUT is an AI Persona & Text Generator. Marketing works better with personas. But creating them for every project and client? Not fun, at least until now. Meet GETitOUT’s Persona Generator: Extract personas from competitors. Generate professional texts. Then paste them into all your websites, emails, and marketing tools.
圖片來源: Gerwin官網
通過Gerwin AI,您可以在幾分鐘內生成高品質的文案內容。Gerwin AI 掌握了70 多種文案技能,包括博客文章、產品描述、社交媒體訊息、品牌/公關等等,是您寫作煩惱的完美解決方案,不僅適用於企業家,也適用於SEO 代理商和營銷機構。
點擊人數: 506 +
圖片來源: Punchlines.ai官網
透過OpenAI的GPT-3語言模型構建的 AI 笑話生成工具。它對一萬個喜劇獨白笑話進行了微調。
點擊人數: 583 +
圖片來源: Canva官網
點擊人數: 1636 +