圖片來源: ZMO官網
A new startup called zmo.ai has launched an online platform that lets people create original anime-style digital artwork easily. The Los Angeles-based company’s website acts as an “anime image generator” that can turn text into custom anime-looking pictures
Of course, ZMO.ai appeals to small e-commerce businesses that can not hire or afford models for every piece that they create, but dang, ZMO.ai is likely to disrupt the entire modeling space.
In an era where visuals dominate the digital landscape, ZMO AI Photo Editor emerged as a game-changer in 2024, redefining the realm of image editing.
If you want to try ZMO.AI, you can get started for free by visiting their website. You can also check out some of their examples and testimonials from satisfied customers.
The software works better than most beta stage a.i currently on the market, and i really like that i can achieve more realistic human impersonation with more simplified prompts than Midjourney.
In this in-depth ZMO AI review, we’ll look at how it can help creators, entrepreneurs, marketers, and regular consumers. Let’s take a look at how ZMO AI makes visual content production quick, simple, and creative.
圖片來源: Artbreeder官網
Artbreeder 是一個提供AI影像變形morphing和影像風格化的網路服務平台。他可以將使用者上傳的人像照片改變其性別、年齡、人種…等。甚至將不同的兩個人的臉互相融合成新的人臉。
點擊人數: 4632 +
圖片來源: Evoto官網
Evoto 是新一代的圖像編輯器,重新定義了工作流程,並將所有圖片編輯工具整合到了一個應用程式中。不僅可以快速獲得數以千計的高品質照片,還避免了在多個軟體之間的切換,使你專注於創作之中。
點擊人數: 1887 +
圖片來源: Fotor官網
點擊人數: 1545 +