圖片來源: Make-A-Video官網
Make-A-Video是 meta AI 推出的一款影片生成工具,輸入方式較多元,不論是輸入文字、圖片、影片等,都能生成影片。
On Make-A-Video's announcement page, Meta shows example videos generated from text, including "a young couple walking in heavy rain" and "a teddy bear painting a portrait." It also showcases Make-A-Video's ability to take a static source image and animate it. For example, a still photo of a sea turtle, once processed through the AI model, can appear to be swimming.
Just type a description and the AI generates matching footage.
Meta’s researchers have made a significant leap in the AI art-generation field with Make-A-Video, the creatively named new technique for — you guessed it — making a video out of nothing but a text prompt. The results are impressive and varied, and all, with no exceptions, slightly creepy.
Today, Meta AI is proud to announce the release of Make-A-Video: an AI system that takes text prompts and turns them into brief, high-quality video clips.
Sound like DALL-E? That’s the idea: According to a press release, Make-A-Video builds on AI image generation technology including Meta’s Make-A-Scene work from earlier this year by “adding a layer of unsupervised learning that allows the system to understand motion in the physical world and apply it to traditional text-to-image generation.”
Artificial intelligence is getting better and better at generating an image in response to a handful of words, with publicly available AI image generators such as DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion. Now, Meta researchers are taking AI a step further: they’re using it to concoct videos from a text prompt.
圖片來源: Shuffll官網
Shuffll 可根據使用者所輸入之文本生成符合主題之內容文字與影片,並根據使用者所選擇支應領域更改內容風格。
點擊人數: 185 +
圖片來源: Deepbrain AI 官網
Deepbrain AI 藉由人工智慧技術,輕鬆創建AI人型主播,並提供多種語言的配音,同時還擁有智能剪輯、音效配樂、轉場特效等功能,幫助使用者快速且輕鬆地創建專業水準的影片。
點擊人數: 284 +
圖片來源: Ebsynth官網
點擊人數: 373 +