圖片來源: WolframAlpha官網
WolframAlpha 是一款線上自動問答系統。使用者可以在一個文字方塊中提交查詢命令和計算要求,而不是像傳統搜尋引擎一樣提供一系列可能含有使用者所需答案的相關網頁。
While math may be Wolfram's strong point, it isn't all that Wolfram can do. It can use its super number crunching nerd powers for many non-number things. Here are just a few cool, weird, fun, and even occasionally practical things you can do with Wolfram that have nothing to do with solving for X.
Ideal for use in engineering, mathematics, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, and a wide range of other fields, Mathematica makes possible a new level of automation in algorithmic computation, interactive manipulation, and dynamic presentation–as well as a whole new way of interacting with the world of data.
Unlike Google search, the goal of a search on Wolfram Alpha is not a list of hyperlinks in which user find answers to their requests, but a compilation of facts as specific results, similar to Google’s KnowledgeGraph, which was further developed with the Hummingbird Update.
For mathematical questions related to the usage of WolframAlpha.
簡單的說 Wolfram Alpha 和 Google 最大的不同,就是它不是個網頁搜尋引擎,因此自然很多朋友打進去的東西,是沒有結果的。不是網頁搜尋引擎的話,Wolfram Alpha 到底在搜什麼?
知識與計算搜尋引擎Wolfram Alpha今天宣佈推出一項名為 Wolfram Problem Generator的新服務,該服務可無限量產生各種數學問題以及相關提示和解題步驟,供學生和數學愛好者學習。此外還提供可列印的表格,也許對於老師來說,出題也不再是問題。
圖片來源: Getitout官網
點擊人數: 313 +
圖片來源: Splash官網
點擊人數: 348 +
圖片來源: Ludo官網
Ludo 讓遊戲設計變得更加簡單,可生成遊戲文案、物件及圖像,並依照主題分類遊戲,節省遊戲的製作時間並激發創造力。
點擊人數: 443 +