圖片來源: Hypotenuse官網
Hypotenuse 是一個AI文章生成器,可以根據提供的幾個關鍵詞,在幾秒鐘內生成產品描述文章或社交媒體文案。
Whether you need content generation, rewriting, or image creation, Hypotenuse A has got you covered. So, let's dive right in
Hypotenuse.ai makes plenty of bold claims in its advertising, claiming to provide a wide range of different types of content generation, including several text options and even image creation.
Comprehend and harness the power of your PDFs with advanced AI solutions.
This is not a detail from a sci-fi short story but the reality and big picture vision of Hypotenuse AI, a YC-backed startup that’s using computer vision and machine learning to automate product descriptions for e-commerce.
Enter Hypotenuse AI — your AI writing assistant that writes your content in seconds — without writer’s block.
Here we will be discussing another hyped copywriting tool i.e. Hypotenuse AI.
圖片來源: Deep Art Effects官網
Deep Art Effects能幫助你快速將照片加入藝術風格,讓照片看上去更有新意,也更漂亮,如果覺得照片拍攝不夠漂亮的話,這款軟件能很好的彌補。也可以自動對照片進行優化與色彩校正,可以在 4 倍縮放範圍內讓圖片保持清晰不失真。
點擊人數: 641 +
圖片來源: Evoto官網
Evoto 是新一代的圖像編輯器,重新定義了工作流程,並將所有圖片編輯工具整合到了一個應用程式中。不僅可以快速獲得數以千計的高品質照片,還避免了在多個軟體之間的切換,使你專注於創作之中。
點擊人數: 1334 +
圖片來源: Caspa AI官網
點擊人數: 398 +