圖片來源: Inworld官網
Inworld AI是一個AI角色生產平台,讓開發者或是沒有程式基礎的人,不需要會程式語言,只要透過調整參數以及自然語言提示,就能夠生成擁有特定外貌、動作、個性、背景故事、情感、動機、記憶、聲音的AI角色。
Inworld AI uses artificial intelligence to bring virtual humans and NPCs to life, instilling them with distinct personalities whose personalities, thoughts, memories, and behaviors are designed to mimic the deeply social nature of human interaction.
Generative AI synthetic character startup Inworld AI and Microsoft have partnered to bring Inworld’s virtual character tools to Xbox developers.The collaboration aims to enable developers to deploy generative AI-assisted content like characters, dialogue, and quests into their games.
Origins is a case study created by the team at Inworld to show how AI NPCs can transform game narratives and experiences. This project was produced in conjunction with John Gaeta, the Academy Award Winning creator best known for his work on The Matrix and The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience.
Inworld’s claims, which it has been putting about over the last year, are that it is able to quickly create NPCs and such like characters with just a few sentences of description and twiddled dials, and that once created they will instantly be deeper and more interesting to interact with than ordinary scripted characters.
Inworld has created a platform through which video game studios – or indeed, you and I – can create fully interactive characters, without needing any knowledge of coding. You can then publish these characters on the web, and chat with them about any topic you like.
In this guide, we will show you how to create and manage characters in Inworld Studio, step by step.
圖片來源: Mnemonic AI官網
Mnemonic AI 是一家提供人工智能驅動的市場調研和消費者洞察服務的公司。其中可以從大量數據中生成人物誌,幫助企業更加了解其目標客戶的行為、興趣和偏好,從而制定更好的營銷策略和客戶體驗。
點擊人數: 352 +
圖片來源: Alpha3D官網
Alpha3D 是一個由 AI 驅動的生成平台,可以讓用戶更快、更便宜、更輕鬆地自動將現實世界對象的 2D 圖像轉換為高質量的 3D 數字資產。
點擊人數: 928 +
圖片來源: ClickUp官網
Clickup 是一個非常年輕的軟體與開發團隊,最有趣的地方,就是他們將一個非常 B2B 導向的專案管理軟體,加入像是遊戲般的更新週期,以及營造一個 Clickup 的使用者社群,為我們提供 Road Map、功能願望清單、以及甚至使用者的 Facebook 群組等等。並且快速地串聯甘特圖、聊天室、地圖、Mind Maps、活動狀態等,讓您不需要再多個軟體中來回切換,一次同步快速應用。
點擊人數: 783 +